


The following policy applies to users of the 十大hg体育平台注册 (“the 大学”) websites and is intended to identify the types of information the 大学 gathers from users and explain how that information is used.

Information Collected by 十大hg体育平台注册

在您访问学院网站时, you may share information with the 大学 through email or web forms.  The collection and control of information is governed by the 大学’s 可接受的技术使用政策

例如, 为了注册课程, 购买商品或服务, apply for employment or complete other transactions with the 大学, you may be asked to voluntarily provide personal information.  The personal information you provide may be used by the 大学 (or third parties engaged by us) to fulfill your requests for products and services, 回应传票和法庭命令, 或者类似的行为.  The 大学 will not sell, rent, loan, trade or lease personal information collected on this site. Except for children who register for the 大学 education or enrichment programs, the 大学 does not knowingly collect or use personal information of children. 用户注意, 然而, that the collection of personal information 提交ted through email or web forms will be treated as though an adult 提交ted it.

Information Collected when You Visit the 十大hg体育平台注册 Websites

You can explore most of the 大学’s websites without revealing any sensitive information. 学院可以, 然而, collect general information about the way in which you use its websites, 包括, 但不限于, 您访问的时间和持续时间, 使用的web浏览器类型, the operating system/ platform you are using, 您的IP地址, and the websites from which you linked to the 大学.  The 大学 also may note whether and how you use its websites by recording site traffic patterns and clickstreams. 学院可以 also perform (or have third parties perform) analyses of visitors' behavior, 并且可以共享聚合, 与赞助商和广告商的匿名数据.


饼干 are small amounts of data that the 大学’s websites may place on your computer’s hard drive. A cookie file contains unique information that the 大学’s websites can use to track such things as the user’s preference for font size or language, 您访问过的网页列表, the date when you last looked at a specific webpage, or to identify your session on the 大学’s websites.


大学 websites may include links to other websites and social media platforms. We do not control the privacy policies of the destination sites. 一旦你离开了大学网站, use of any information you provide is governed by the privacy policy of the operator of the site you are visiting. The 大学 is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of websites other than the 大学’s websites.

Confidentiality and Integrity of Personal Information

The 大学 is strongly committed to protecting personal information collected through its websites against unauthorized access, 使用或披露. 因此, the 大学 limits employee access to personal information collected through its websites to only those employees who need access to the information in the performance of their official duties. Employees who have access to this information follow appropriate procedures in connection with any disclosures of personal information.

除了, the 大学 has implemented procedures to safeguard the integrity of its information technology assets, 包括, 但不限于, 身份验证, 授权, 监控, 审计, 和加密. These security procedures have been integrated into the design, 实现, and day-to-day operations of the 大学’s websites as part of our continuing commitment to the security of digital content as well as the electronic transmission of information.

Although the 大学 employs security that it believes appropriate to protect your personal information, the 大学 does not guarantee that its security precautions will protect against, 并明确拒绝承担任何责任, 任何损失, 滥用, 或更改个人信息.

Communication of and Changes to the 大学’s Privacy Policy

学院可以 update this policy at any time. The 大学 will notify the public about significant changes in the way it treats personal information by placing notice on its website.


The 大学 recognizes that privacy laws and regulations, such as the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018, give covered individuals certain rights regarding their personal data, such as the right to review and/or request modification or erasure of certain personal data.  此类请求应提交给:

十大hg体育平台注册,东14500年. 十二英里路 Warren, Michigan 48088; Phone: 586.445.7314 or answer@dayoushengwu.net.
